Thank you for showing an interest in our services

So that we can carry out a FREE check to see if you’ve been mis-sold vehicle finance, we also require the following information:

Form Secured 

    You've already told us...

    Now we also need...

    Date of birth
    Current Address
    Have you lived at this address for more than 3 years?
    What was your previous address if less than 3 years?

    Was it a joint loan?
    Details of second person on loan
    Was your address different at the time the loan was taken out?

    Address when loan was taken out

    Were you recommended to us?

    A Black Horse borrower bought a £7,619 car with a 100% loan and paid 5.5% interest (£2,096 over five years), when the cheapest rate available was 2.49%. Black Horse were ordered to repay the £1,147 difference in commission, plus interest.
